Review: Leonard and Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism, Ed. Helen Southworth (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2010)
- Caitlyn Tierney Caldwell (Case Western Reserve University)
A review of Helen Southworth (Editor), Leonard and Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism. ix + 256 pp., notes, appendix, index. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010. £75.
Keywords: review, Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf, Hogarth Press, networks
How to Cite:
Caldwell, C., (2014) “Review: Leonard and Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism, Ed. Helen Southworth (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2010)”, Authorship 3(2). doi:
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