Gaston Franssen, Rick Honings (eds.), Idolizing Authorship: Literary Celebrity and the Construction of Identity, 1800 to the Present (Amsterdam University Press, 2017)
- Zita Farkas (Luleå University of Technology)
A review of Gaston Franssen, Rick Honings (eds.), Idolizing Authorship: Literary Celebrity and the Construction of Identity, 1800 to the Present, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2017, 282 pp. € 89.
Keywords: authorship, zita farkas, gaston franssen, rick honings, idolizing authorship, literary celebrity and the construction of identity
How to Cite:
Farkas, Z., (2017) “Gaston Franssen, Rick Honings (eds.), Idolizing Authorship: Literary Celebrity and the Construction of Identity, 1800 to the Present (Amsterdam University Press, 2017)”, Authorship 6(2). doi:
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